Don't waste your time on a "January Weight Loss Challenge" that will only put you deep into the yo-yo dieting cycle!

We CHALLENGE you to LEARN how to Lose Sustainable Weight For Good! - In Only 5 DAYS!


Quick Summary of How It Works!

True or False Due to Excess Weight?


Are you tired of depriving yourself on KETO or starving yourself on INTERMITTENT FASTING diets? The truth is that dieting IS NOT the solution to sustainable weight loss.




get registered today while you stiLl can

and be mentored by Master Trainer and Top Weight Loss Expert, Paul Scianna - live for 5 days!

100% VIRTUAL! LOSE while you LEARN from the comfort of your own home!

Challenge Dates:

Monday, January 23rd - Friday, January 27th

Live Zoom Teaching Mon-Thurs at 8:00pm EST

⬇⬇ AND ⬇⬇

>>Special New Year Bonus Session: Friday, January 27th 12:00pm EST

The entire session is spent teaching HOW TO incorporate all your favorite indulgences into your meal plan WITHOUT GAINING weight!

You don't realize how much you don't know about fitness or nutrition until you're taught properly. Paul and Danyl do an amazing job of breaking down the process to make your weight loss journey easy and enjoyable!


This coaching is seriously life-changing. I started my weight loss program 4 months ago and already lost 40 lbs. I can't even recognize the person in the mirror! I feel 10 years younger and have never felt better in my life.


I would lose weight on and off on my own, but would always gain it back. Going through the trainings with Paul and Danyl allowed me to finally have the "ah-ha" moment that put an end to my inconsistencies. The yo-yo dieting is finally behind me!


Meet Your Hosts!

Paul Scianna

  • Master Trainer / Nutrition Expert

  • Professional Boxer

  • Founder of Empowering Punch Fitness

Danyl Scianna

  • Certified Personal Trainer

  • Professional Wellness Coach

  • Creator of EP Weight Loss Academy

Unlock the Secrets on How To DITCH THE DIET and Still Lose Weight

In As Little As 5 Days...

How The Challenge Works!

Day 1

Create a Sustainable Meal Plan

We will rid you of all the frustration of failing at diets again and again! By educating you on exactly how the various diets work and affect your body, you'll be able to stop the yo-yo game and learn the Must-Knows on how to build a sustainable weight loss nutrition program that works for you.

Day 1

Create a Sustainable Meal Plan

We will rid you of all the frustration of failing at diets again and again! By educating you on exactly how the various diets work and affect your body, you'll be able to stop the yo-yo game and learn the Must-Knows on how to build a sustainable weight loss nutrition program that works for you.

Day 2

Create an Unshakeable Mindset

In this super-power session, you'll confront your insecurities, your fear of failure and your limiting beliefs, and bust right through them! We'll show you how to find your most powerful "WHY" that's strong enough to create your success vision. You have to be able to see it before you can believe it and achieve it.

Day 2

Create an Unshakeable Mindset

In this super-power session, you'll confront your insecurities, your fear of failure and your limiting beliefs, and bust right through them! We'll show you how to find your most powerful "WHY" that's strong enough to create your success vision. You have to be able to see it before you can believe it and achieve it.

Day 3

Build Your Roadmap for Long-Term Weight loss

Here's where the magic starts to happen! You'll learn how to put all the pieces together to build the framework for a safe, sustainable weight loss (and eventually maintenance) program you'll be able to use for the rest of your life. The tools you need to build your roadmap to success will be at your fingertips!

Day 3

Build Your Roadmap for

Long-Term Weight Loss

Here's where the magic starts to happen! You'll learn how to put all the pieces together to build the framework for a safe, sustainable weight loss of 100 lbs in a year or less. The tools you need to build your roadmap to success will be at your fingertips!

Day 4

Uncover the Secrets to Success

Get ready to be blown away! We reveal all our secrets to sustainable weight loss success, including the proven Power Punch Method that has helped thousands of clients achieve Metabolic Optimization and long-term, sustainable results!

Bonus! Hear it straight and unfiltered! Meet our alumni success panel of clients who've lost up to 100 lbs or more and have kept it off!

Day 4

Uncover the Secrets to Success

Get ready to be blown away! We reveal all our secrets to sustainable weight loss success, including the proven Power Punch Method that has helped thousands of clients achieve Metabolic Optimization and long-term, sustainable results!

Bonus! Hear it straight and unfiltered! Meet our alumni success panel of clients who've lost 100 lbs or more and have kept it off!

Day 5

Implementation Day - Ask the Expert

We wrap up our challenge by giving you the gift of gab! You'll have direct access to speak with top weight loss expert, Paul Scianna, the Weight Loss Wizard himself, about your most personal, pressing weight loss struggles. Don't miss your chance to ASK THE EXPERT!

Day 5

Implementation Day - Ask the Expert

We wrap up our challenge by giving you the gift of gab! You'll have direct access to speak with top weight loss expert, Paul Scianna, the Weight Loss Wizard himself, about your most personal, pressing weight loss struggles. Don't miss your chance to ASK THE EXPERT!


Join the DITCH THE DIET Weight Loss Challenge and get access to the following must-have weight-loss tools! 

5 Fail-Proof Tips

Learn our easy-to-follow 5-Fail Proof Tips and lose 3-5 lbs your first week, even without the workouts!

So effective and easy to follow, we had to call them Fail-Proof! 


Following our Healthy Meals Nutrition Guide allows you to choose from a wide variety of clean, whole foods without ever having to go on a calorie-restrictive diet. 

cook book

Leave the cooking to us! We take all the guesswork out of creating your healthy meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks! Enjoy pages of delicious, nutritious and easy-to-make recipes that will leave you wanting more!


The Empowering Punch app houses hundreds of workout videos including recordings of our live fitness classes. It tracks your weight, measurements, fitness calendar, nutrition plan and more. This is your direct line of communication with your trainer. 


Our Facebook Support Page is a 24/7 community forum that is used to field questions, share, motivate and hold each other accountable. It's an invaluable resource for tips, recipes and more as there are veteran members as well as certified staff monitoring the page. 

 fitness classes

Choose from any of our calorie-crushing virtual fitness classes including Fitness Boxing, Kickboxing, BodySculpt, Bootcamp, Yoga, Abs/Core and more! Beginners welcome! No experience is ever necessary.

5 Fail-Proof Tips

Learn our easy-to-follow 5-Fail Proof Tips and lose 3-5 lbs your first week, even without the workouts!

So effective and easy to follow, we had to call them Fail-Proof! 


Following our Healthy Meals Nutrition Guide allows you to choose from a wide variety of clean, whole foods without ever having to go on a calorie restrictive diet. 


Choose from any of our calorie-crushing virtual fitness classes including Fitness Boxing, Kickboxing, BodySculpt, Bootcamp, Yoga, Abs/Core and more!


The Empowering Punch app houses hundreds of workout videos including recordings of our live fitness classes. It tracks your weight, measurements, fitness calendar, nutrition plan and more. This is your direct line of communication with your trainer. 


Our Facebook Support Page is a 24/7 community forum that is used to field questions, share, motivate and hold each other accountable. It's an invaluable resource for tips, recipes and more as there are veteran members as well as certified staff monitoring the page. 


Accountability is by far the secret sauce to any successful weight loss program. Our programs deliver DAILY accountability in the form of consistent communication with your training team to ensure you are always on the right track and making progress. 

action-taker CHALLENGE BONUS:

When you register TODAY for the DITCH THE DIET Challenge you will get 5 days of PRIVATE COACHING with a Nutrition Expert for the

5 lbs in 5 days ADVENTURE! (Limited spots for Private Coaching!!)


Private coaching:

For 5 days, you'll work privately with one of our expert personal trainers as your mentor and accountability coach. You'll be coached on fitness, nutrition and mindset to set the stage for a sustainable, long-term weight loss success. 

As you're learning in the live training sessions of the challenge, you'll have the opportunity to work on yourself behind the scenes. You'll get to experience our training and coaching methods first-hand and lose a minimum of 5 lbs by the end of the week, just by following a few simple instructions!

Private coaching is 100% virtual through our custom EP App. You'll have guidance, education and motivation at your fingertips!

How Many Times Have You Failed on Diets Because:

  • You don't hold yourself accountable
  • It's too hard to sustain
  • You really don't understand what to eat, when or how much
  • You get bored with the "diet" food
  • You hate to workout
  • You don't know what you're doing wrong

That's All About To Change!

Are You Worth It?






Your Challenge Questions Answered!

100% Virtual Program! Join From Anywhere!


What Will I Learn?

Literally, that you DO NOT need to diet to lose weight - AND KEEP IT OFF. We teach you the basic fundamentals on how to start an effective weight loss journey and how to sustain your results while still living and enjoying your life.


Do I Have To Do the 5-Day Private Coaching?

Absolutely not. However, working with one of our Certified Personal Trainers is extremely valuable. They are experts at weight loss and can pinpoint mistakes you may be making with your food or fitness. You'll be amazed at how easy weight loss can be with an expert over your shoulder every day. And you can lose at least 5 lbs by the end of the week! (provided you follow directions! 🙂)


How Do I Sign Up for the Coaching Bonus?

Once you register for the challenge, you will receive an orientation email explaining in detail how the coaching bonus works. All the instructions on how to access the nutrition guide, the classes and your trainer will be explained in the email.


What If I Miss a Live Call?

All live calls will be recorded and available the next day in case you miss one! However, you will find it to be much more beneficial to attend live as the calls are interactive and open to ask specific questions.


Do I Have To Work Out?

NOPE! As part of the challenge, you will have access to try our calorie-crushing classes. The more you participate with what's offered to you, the more you'll lose. However, working out is not mandatory by any means. Many participants start with just walking and following the nutrition guide.


What If I Am A Beginner?

Good! That usually means you're more receptive to advice and will listen to our instructions! It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks! Seriously, there is no experience necessary for our challenge or the personal coaching. Our goal is to help guide you from wherever you're starting.


Do I Have To Be Tech-Savvy?

The short answer is no. You will need to have a device to view the live challenge calls. If you partake in the personal coaching, you will need a smart device that is capable of running an app, as that is how you will communicate with your trainer. It's a very user-friendly app and we review exactly how to navigate through it during the orientation meeting.



The more you participate and engage in this program, the more you'll learn and the more you'll lose! It's only 5 days but it is JAM-PACKED with a ton of invaluable information and education that will benefit you for the rest of your life.




Challenge Starts on January 23rd, 2023

Meet Your Hosts

Paul and Danyl Scianna

Our DITCH THE DIET 5-Day Challenge delivers a guided tour on how to stop relying on quick fix diets and sets you up for long-term, sustainable success!

It's time to stop trying to do this yourself and ASK THE EXPERTS!

Paul SciannaMaster Trainer / Nutrition Expert/ Professional Boxer / Founder of Empowering Punch Fitness

Best known for his extreme weight loss successes, Paul Scianna has raised the bar for health and fitness results. Due to his extreme nature, he has always been a leader in the world of fitness. His career started inside the boxing ring when he made his professional debut on Fox’s reality TV show, The Next Great Champ with Oscar De La Hoya.

Through living the life of a professional athlete, the behind-the-scenes blessing came from years of research and experimentation with different nutrition plans and fitness training which allowed him to pinpoint the formula for success. Paul has developed his own unique recipe to transform both mindset and the body in a manner conducive for all ages, sizes and fitness levels.

His real area of expertise lies within his teaching style. Paul breaks down the science in layman's terms to ensure every client not only understands how to follow the process but more importantly, learns from it. His unmatched work ethic and perseverance to succeed is the reason he is so highly sought out in the world of fitness. His programs empower you with the knowledge, confidence and desire to never give up on yourself again.

Danyl SciannaCertified Personal Trainer / Professional Wellness / Coach Creator of EP Weight Loss Academy

Growing up as a competitive athlete from the early age of seven, Danyl Scianna has never lost that fire to always strive to be the best. Competing in everything from mountain bike racing, karate, volleyball, softball, soccer, bodybuilding and 12 years of competitive speed skating, she became obsessed with learning how the body transforms with proper training and nutrition.

Her pure passion for athletic performance soon opened the door to personal training and wellness coaching which, without question turned into her very fulfilling career leading her to Empowering Punch.

With over 20 years of personal training and fitness experience, Danyl took on the role of developing the first of its kind, Weight Loss Academy. Her mission is to dispel the media myths of fad diets and teach her audience that living a healthy lifestyle is possible with fulfilling, balanced nutrition. Her competitive efforts are now directed toward empowering her clients to be the best they can be. She finds that educating women how to overcome the natural challenges that come with age, pregnancy and being a busy mom is the secret to success for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Paul Scianna

Master Trainer / Nutrition Expert

Professional Boxer

Founder of Empowering Punch Fitness

Best known for his extreme weight loss successes, Paul Scianna has raised the bar for health and fitness results. Due to his extreme nature, he has always been a leader in the world of fitness. His career started inside the boxing ring when he made his professional debut on Fox’s reality TV show, The Next Great Champ with Oscar De La Hoya.

Through living the life of a professional athlete, the behind-the-scenes blessing came from years of research and experimentation with different nutrition plans and fitness training which allowed him to pinpoint the formula for success. Paul has developed his own unique recipe to transform both mindset and the body in a manner conducive for all ages, sizes and fitness levels.

His real area of expertise lies within his teaching style. Paul breaks down the science in layman's terms to ensure every client not only understands how to follow the process but more importantly, learns from it. His unmatched work ethic and perseverance to succeed is the reason he is so highly sought out in the world of fitness. His programs empower you with the knowledge, confidence and desire to never give up on yourself again.

Danyl Scianna

Certified Personal Trainer

Professional Wellness Coach 

Creator of EP Weight Loss Academy

Growing up as a competitive athlete from the early age of seven, Danyl Scianna has never lost that fire to always strive to be the best. Competing in everything from mountain bike racing, karate, volleyball, softball, soccer, bodybuilding and 12 years of competitive speed skating, she became obsessed with learning how the body transforms with proper training and nutrition.

Her pure passion for athletic performance soon opened the door to personal training and wellness coaching which, without question turned into her very fulfilling career leading her to Empowering Punch.

With over 20 years of personal training and fitness experience, Danyl took on the role of developing the first of its kind, Weight Loss Academy. Her mission is to dispel the media myths of fad diets and teach her audience that living a healthy lifestyle is possible with fulfilling, balanced nutrition. Her competitive efforts are now directed toward empowering her clients to be the best they can be. She finds that educating women how to overcome the natural challenges that come with age, pregnancy and being a busy mom is the secret to success for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.


WIN THE WAR Against Weight Gain

once and for all!

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